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Private Lora gateway

A Private LoRa gateway can be used when one wants to use LoRa sensors but does not want to use the public LoRa network. By using such a gateway, data is kept within one's own network and does not need to be retrieved from an external backend. This gives the advantage that the monthly/annual cost to the public LoRa provider falls away, and the data does not have to leave your own network. The range of a Private LoRa Gateway can go up to about 5 km. This is extremely suitable on corporate sites or buildings where multiple LoRa sensors can communicate with 1 and the same gateway. The gateway will receive the data from the sensors, and in turn forward it to the desired platform. This can be done either via Ethernet cable or cellular (4G / LTE CAT M1 / NB IoT) protocol.

Why choose a Pivate LoRa gateway?

An own private LoRa gateway allows you to start acting independently of third parties. All data coming in can be processed by your own company, and does not leave your own network. Besides this independence, it also gives a higher ease of use as when opting for a public network.

By placing your own gateways, you can assure yourself of good coverage everywhere. This is not always guaranteed with public networks. In addition, it takes much more effort to get better coverage from a public operator than to do it yourself by adding an extra gateway or moving the location of an already existing gateway.

Finally, the recurring cost that one would have to pay to the public LoRa provider is also eliminated. This can save additional costs in the long run, and the investment in a private gateway can be quickly recouped.

What do you best pay attention to when choosing and installing a LoRa gateway?

A first step in choosing the best LoRa gateway is the communication choice that needs to be established. Can the LoRa gateway be connected via an Ethernet cable and thus get internet or is this not possible and a cellular gateway needs to be provided to provide the LoRa gateway with internet?

Furthermore, it is important to determine the range that the LoRa gateway should have. By this we mean the distance between the gateway and the furthest sensor. This has a big difference in the choice when finding the appropriate antenna. Do you only need a range of a few 100's of metres? Then a small antenna on the gateway will definitely work. Do you need a range of 5 km in an undulating area? Then you definitely need a larger antenna. In general, the antenna should always be placed as high as possible. To achieve a large range, it is best to place the antenna on the highest roof present within the accessible area.

When do we recommend a private LoRa gateway?

Installing a private LoRa gateway is always a smart idea! Especially when the public LoRa network is not optimal, or when several sensors are placed within a certain radius (up to 5 km) from the gateway. However, when only 1 sensor is placed at many different locations that are not connected to each other, it may still be better to opt for the public network.